SoLVBL Solutions Inc. Joins the CSE for a Market Open

The CSE was happy to welcome SoLVBL Solutions Inc. (CSE:SOLV) for a virtual Market Open on March 17, 2021.

SoLVBL Solutions Inc. is a cybersecurity company, working on developing a universal standard for establishing digital record authenticity. Their lead product, Q by SoLVBL™, enables fast authentication of digital records, allowing companies to quickly establish trust in their data. The company is focused on solutions for several industries, including the financial sector, medical applications, and critical internet of things (IoT) infrastructure. The CSE looks forward to seeing how this innovative company continues to protect the integrity of data in the virtual world.

CEO Ray Pomroy and other fantastic members of the SoLVBL team kicked off the start of trading during this virtual Market Open.

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