Sue Ozdemir on Delivering “Next Gen” Electric Motors and Powertrains | #HashtagFinance

CSE’s Anil Mall chats with Exro Technologies Inc. (CSE:XRO) CEO, Sue Ozdemir, about their strategy to commercialize its proprietary technology through strategic partnerships for specific near-term market opportunities.

Here’s an overview of what they cover in this podcast:

01:32 – Making electric motors smart with power electronics.
4:12 – A new type of inverter – intelligent coil driver.
5:43 – Positioned in the $100Bn global electric vehicle market.
8:01 – Sue’s background in the electric motor business, including GE Motor Division.
12:10 – Partnership 1 – Potential to retrofit combustion engines with electric engines.
15:23 – Partnership 2 – Clean Seed Capital to co-develop electric seeders.
16:38 – Partnership 3 – Working w/ Zero Motorcycle, the top manufacturer electric motorcycle.
17:11 – Partnership 4 – Sea Electric to develop an electric delivery van and co-developing a garbage truck for NA market.
21:18 – The approach to engaging new partners,

Exro is a Clean Tech company that has developed a new class of control technology for electric powertrains. Exro’s advanced motor control technology, their “Coil Driver”, expands the capabilities of electric motors and powertrains. The Coil Driver enables two separate torque profiles within a given motor. The first is calibrated for low speed and high torque, while the second provides expanded operation at high speed. The ability to change configuration allows efficiency optimization for each operating mode, resulting in overall reductions in energy consumption. The controller automatically and seamlessly selects the appropriate configuration in real-time so that torque demand and efficiency are optimized.

The limitations of traditional electric machines and power technology are becoming more evident. In many increasingly prominent applications, traditional methods cannot meet the required performance. This means either oversizing the equipment, adding additional motors, or implementing heavy mechanical geared solutions. Exro offers a new solution for system optimization through implementation of its technology which can yield the following results: increased drive cycle efficiency, reduced system volume, reduced weight, expanded torque and speed capabilities. Exro allows the application to achieve more with less energy consumed.

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