Public Entrepreneur Magazine: The Technology Issue – Now Live!

Welcome to the latest issue of Public Entrepreneur magazine, your source for in-depth stories of entrepreneurs from a wealth of different industries.

While social distancing measures in recent months have forced individuals to stay apart, one constant has kept everyone connected: technology. In this issue of Public Entrepreneur, we examine how technology has become more important than ever in the healthcare industry and how it has proven to be vital in fighting COVID-19.

We take a closer look at how visionary leaders and entrepreneurs are harnessing the power of innovation to change the world from enhancing video conferencing with augmented reality, to monitoring community health, to using rapid-detection technology to quickly test for the virus.

CSE-listed companies featured in this issue include:

  • VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY)
  • HealthSpace Data Systems Ltd. (CSE:HS)
  • Sixth Wave Innovations Inc. (CSE:SIXW)
  • Draganfly Inc. (CSE:DFLY)
  • InnoCan Pharma Corp. (CSE:INNO)
  • NexTech AR Solutions Corp. (CSE:NTAR)

Check out the most recent edition of Public Entrepreneur here: